Bollywood Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan, who has just delivered the biggest grosser of all time in "Dhoom 3", said that he has no interest in getting an Oscar for his work. Khan, who avoids attending Indian awards functions has made a statement, “Oscar can't tell me whether my film is good or bad and I am not interested in that. My interest with Oscar is that it's an opportunity for a film to get a larger window to a larger audience.”
“Audience is unaware of your film, but if you manage to get nominated then there is a whole world out there who wants to see your film, who otherwise would not have known about your film. It’s an opportunity to get your film viewed by more people.”
“Whether the film is good or bad, this I want to hear from the audience and not from anyone else”
Aamir Khan is one of a few Indian actors whose films have made it to the Oscars, with Lagaan winning a nomination in the Best Foreign Language Film category in 2001. The film lost out to No Man's Land.
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